Portal Pack Camp - 2017
Portal Pack Cubs had a weekend camp away recently venturing across the border to explore the darkest corners of Chirk.
Staying in a Bunkhouse we had a busy weekend of various activities which included, Hunt the Alien wide game, dusk adventures in the local park, a hike to Chirk Castle, my first ever enrollment of a Cub in a set of stocks!, trying on of Knights armour, learning about battle and medicine in medieval times, den building, canoeing along the canal, a chippy tea, designing of coats of arms,another hike this time through a quite long tunnel in the pitch black and finally the event of the weekend the annual teddy competition, winners were; 1st Richard Hopwood, 2nd Eli Ford and 3rd Sam Downes. Thanks to all the leaders that helped and the Cubs for a great weekend.
Co-op Donation
Members of 1st Tarporley Scouts say thank you to Mark, Manager of Co-op Tarporley and all of the Tarporley Co-op members for their donation raised from the 5p carrier bag charge and 1% of own branded product sales over the last six months. We were delighted to receive over £2,500 which will help fund scouting in Tarporley, including keeping our new (second hand) minibus on the road and the upkeep of the Scout Hut.
Thank you!